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Status Accelerator Call is happening in 3 days
Taking 6 guys for 1-1 mentorship
I’m taking 6 guys for direct 1-1 mentorship with me this week. If you want to: - Date high-quality women - Befriend high-status men - Attend exclusive events - Become the best version of yourself Then, this is the time to do it. Click my sign-up link below to get started:
New comment 1d ago
New Leaderboard Unlocks
We’ve added new bonuses for ranking up on the leaderboard! - Members of level 7 unlock a free 1-1 call with Michael Sartain - Members of level 8 unlock a free Vegas Immersion Bootcamp spot To achieve high rankings in Skool you need to make valuable posts and thoughtful comments to receive likes. The more likes your content generates, the faster you will level up. These are some huge unlocks. I'm excited to get to know the first person who gets a free spot at Vegas Immersion!
New comment 3d ago
3 WAYS to make high-status people respect you without spending a lot of money … 
Be the … 1. CONNECTOR. Introduce high-status people to other high-status people. This could be wealthy people, high-achievers, or attractive women. You want to be the guy who introduces the high-status guy to his next girlfriend or business partner. If you pull THAT off, you get invited to EVERYTHING. 2. SUGGESTOR. Recommend books. Movies. TV shows. Video games. Restaurants. Nightclubs. Podcasts. Comedians. Your favorite Mini Golf course. Countries to visit. Things to do around town. Experiences. “Hey guys, what are we doing tonight?” Don’t be the guy who says “I don’t know, what do YOU want to do tonight?” HAVE SOMETHING TO SUGGEST. This costs you NOTHING other than the effort it takes to acquire this knowledge … but if you were the one that recommended to a high-status person their new favorite thing, they will forever associate you with that positive impact on their lives. 3. CONTENT CREATOR. Get a nice camera and learn how to use it. Or (even less expensive), be the one guy out of a billion who actually knows how to use his iPhone camera to maximum effect. Get a portable ring light so you take the only well-lit pictures and videos from the event. Learn to flatter the subject. Learn to use FaceApp and FaceTune to make everyone look extra attractive WITHOUT looking overly filtered. You can come to the party, talk to NO ONE, then turn around and hand everyone fire content for their social media and branding. Boom. Instant VIP. Which one do you want to be?
New comment 15m ago
Do you guys have any tips to travel for a low cost?✈️🌎
New comment 51m ago
Epiphany about bears in the woods...
It seems to be a hot topic to talk about how many women would rather meet a bear in the woods than a strange man... The main reason they say this is that the bear will kill them, but the man will do horrible things to them then kill them. When you hear people say that women will get the ick if you pursue them, but will pursue you if you ignore them this could be a correlation to how women brains evolved to avoid dangerous men. The guy in the woods that ignores you and doesn't try to lure you with treats or chase you down would be WAY more comforting than a bear, but most dudes do the opposite with women thus the consensus that women would rather meet a bear in the woods... Not to discount the lunacy of the bear question, but what are your thoughts on this emotional reaction to the bear question?
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A community for learning high-status networking hosted by Michael Sartain.
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